Julianne Gibbs

Office: Chemistry E3-52
Office phone: (780) 492-7140

Juli has long been interested in how confinement at interfaces and in (bio)materials can influence processes like molecular recognition and specific ion effects. This interest leads our group into fundamental studies of processes at interfaces and also into the design of new material properties based on our ability to take advantage of the unique environment that such interfaces present. When Juli is not thinking about chemistry, she loves cooking, yoga, walking, and chatting.


Graduate Students

Nahida Akter

Nahida’s research interest lies in materials chemistry, nanotechnology, and inorganic synthesis. Her present research project focuses on the synthesis of self-healing and self-replicating nanomaterials for applications in solar cells and batteries. In her free time, she loves reading books, experimenting with new dishes, and spending quality time with family and friends. nakter@ualberta.ca


Nathaniel Tetteh

Nathaniel utilizes electrokinetic and non-linear optical spectroscopy to study specific ion effects at the planar silica/water interface with a focus on phenomena occurring at high pH regimes. In his leisure time, Nathaniel enjoys watching/ playing soccer, singing/ listening to music, and reading Christian literature. ntetteh@ualberta.ca

Anantha Ealeswarapu

Anantha’s research interest lies in bio-analytical chemistry. Current research focuses on developing an isothermal self-replication DNA strategy using destabilizing probes for the identification of viral RNA targets. Her project focuses on studying the dependence of background-triggered reactions on biochemical factors. In her free time, she loves reading science fiction books, doing yoga, biking in trials, and hanging out with friends. ealeswar@ualberta.ca

Ilia Gennadiev

Ilia is interested in organic synthesis and DNA modification to study their interactions with biologically active compounds. Ilia enjoy hiking, swimming, and dogs. gennadie@ualberta.ca

Paul Elinkpo

Paul has a strong interest in Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry with his research focuses on the impacts of divalent salts on the structure of water around minerals. This research is pertinent to remediation of mining tailings wastewater prior to dewatering. Paul enjoys watching Soccer and documentaries related to Cosmology, Big bang theory, and Science fiction. In terms of physical fitness, he loves swimming & gymming. elinkpo@ualberta.ca

Aya Sherif

Aya is interested in chemical biology. Her research project focuses on developing a technique for detecting abasic sites using selective ligation of pyrine abasic base pair. Aya enjoys reading, listening to podcasts and shopping. asherif@ualberta.ca




Emersan  Kristel – Grinde

Emersan’s research goals are focused on developing an abasic site detection technique composed of template-guided ligation utilizing the high affinity abasic-pyrene unnatural base pair and conventional PCR. Emersan is currently training for a half marathon and loves doing a variety of physical activity in her spare time. kristelg@ualberta.ca

Visiting Student

                                                                                                                                                                     Laura Tebcharani 

                                                                                                                                                                     Fabian Spaeth